The Moraitis Group (now Oakville Produce), Australia’s largest integrated fruit and vegetable business was acquired in 2013 by an associate of the Hong Kong based Chevalier International Holdings Limited.
This gave Chevalier exclusive access to farmers around Australia licensed to grow KUMATO®, a hybrid tomato variety (that is NOT genetically modified). KUMATO®’s teasing look and exotic taste grant it a prominent place on the supermarket shelf. Despite being grown round the year, and able to be eaten while raw green all the way to a ripened brown, KUMATO®’s sales did not fast-track.
Chevalier’s intent was to realise its potential.
- The debate around KUMATO® is not about whether it’s a fruit or a vegetable. Because, it is not your everyday tomato.
- Its ambiguity relates to colour (is it green or brown?), its origins (is it wild or garden grown?), its taste (is it sour or really sweet?), its age (is it raw or just about ripe?). The KUMATO® is indeed intriguing almost mystical!
- The task was to heighten engagement through communication that mirrored its unique personality.
- Position KUMATO® as the anytime, anywhere recipe ingredient for everyone.
- Make the product tell its tale in full colour. No grey areas.

- KUMATO® was brought to life using bold type, brilliant hues, and stunning photography.
- The magic of the product in its raw form and cooked state was recreated with minimal copy and maximum colour. The same treatment was carried across the KUMATO® website, its product packaging, recipe cards and more.
"Anytime, Anywhere recipe ingredient for Everyone".

- A revitalised brand allowed KUMATO® to make a fresh beginning in the market place.
- Consumer interest was rekindled. Supermarket giants, smaller chains, and independent grocers took notice. And, KUMATO® sales began to climb quickly.
Keen for your brands to make a splash?
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